Friday, May 12, 2006
Bye, Bronx
Steinbrenner's attempt to control the weather backfired tonight. He pressed the red button on the Rainmaker '78, thinking the game would be called for a 3-2 Dunbar win. But the rain only caused problems for the yanks' defense. The ball slipped out of Cairo's glove on the tag for the tying and go-ahead runs. Chan would have had to clean up my brain from the rug if that out had been made, as my head would have exploded. What a frustrating game until that moment. Geat win, and really tough loss for them. Important moment in the season right there. Matsui being out, along with Shef, puts them in a rough spot. If we can get Coco back soon, maybe we can open up a lead.
The Hell, No Network was going for their Emmy tonight, and it was pissing me off. The "from behind the plate" view of a pitch is artsy and sometimes cool--for replays. Don't they know that if they show us this view live, we can't tell what's going on? They did it so many times, including on a Myers to Ortiz pitch. What the audience saw: Posada's back, then Myers disappearing from sight, along with the ball. Terrible job there.
From Kay, the usual BS. But on the two catches at the wall, come on, Kay. You know those balls wouldn't have been over the wall. Especially the Damon one. But all that 'splainin' ain't gonna get ya any awards. So it's "another home run robbed!" Kay was not backing down on that. They were "robs," no doubt. O'Neill or Jim "Wordy McGee" Kaat were not even allowed to suggest he might be lying or wrong. They were great plays. But the balls wouldn't have gone over the fence. Very clearly on the second one. I could tell before even seeing the replays. TJ, Backwards Kay.
He also conveniently talked over the point where the cretins cheered loudly when Manny was almost hit in the head.
Paul O'Neill was in the booth tonight, which is always amusing. I don't like the man, don't get me wrong, but to hear him make fun of Kay, who thinks he's "in" with every player who ever put on the pinstripes, is pretty fun. He's not the brightest guy, though. After the game, he talked about how Papelbon pitched like he'd been on the yankee Stadium mound before! Yeah, Paul, maybe because he had!
It was also funny how they were praising Bernie so much for making routine plays in right, and then he ended up botching the key fly ball.
Seeing Tanyon Sturtze cry and reflecting later on how good it felt is my new hobby. Oh, no, wait, I've been doing it for quite some time now.
Now Texas comes in, and I'll be in my annual field box seats. But it looks like rain. I better not get screwed on this.
The Hell, No Network was going for their Emmy tonight, and it was pissing me off. The "from behind the plate" view of a pitch is artsy and sometimes cool--for replays. Don't they know that if they show us this view live, we can't tell what's going on? They did it so many times, including on a Myers to Ortiz pitch. What the audience saw: Posada's back, then Myers disappearing from sight, along with the ball. Terrible job there.
From Kay, the usual BS. But on the two catches at the wall, come on, Kay. You know those balls wouldn't have been over the wall. Especially the Damon one. But all that 'splainin' ain't gonna get ya any awards. So it's "another home run robbed!" Kay was not backing down on that. They were "robs," no doubt. O'Neill or Jim "Wordy McGee" Kaat were not even allowed to suggest he might be lying or wrong. They were great plays. But the balls wouldn't have gone over the fence. Very clearly on the second one. I could tell before even seeing the replays. TJ, Backwards Kay.
He also conveniently talked over the point where the cretins cheered loudly when Manny was almost hit in the head.
Paul O'Neill was in the booth tonight, which is always amusing. I don't like the man, don't get me wrong, but to hear him make fun of Kay, who thinks he's "in" with every player who ever put on the pinstripes, is pretty fun. He's not the brightest guy, though. After the game, he talked about how Papelbon pitched like he'd been on the yankee Stadium mound before! Yeah, Paul, maybe because he had!
It was also funny how they were praising Bernie so much for making routine plays in right, and then he ended up botching the key fly ball.
Seeing Tanyon Sturtze cry and reflecting later on how good it felt is my new hobby. Oh, no, wait, I've been doing it for quite some time now.
Now Texas comes in, and I'll be in my annual field box seats. But it looks like rain. I better not get screwed on this.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
A Night At The T-Bowl

Not the usual huge amount of Sox fans at the Stadium. That'll happen with an early season, mid-weeker. But still, lots of Dunbar fans were commenting that they thought they were in the wrong park, etc. So we still had a lot, just not like on a summer weekend.

Classic quotes from yankee fans I heard Wednesday night:
"Wow, this upper deck is steep!"
"What was Ruth's number, one?"
"This guy [Melky Cabrera] used to play for Boston."
"Ohhhhh!" That was the reaction by the guy to the left of us literally every time the ball was hit. Fortunately he spent at least five innings on the beer line so we didn't have to hear it all night. Speaking of that, that may have been why there were so many empty seats the whole game. But I kind of think it was just because a lot of yankee fans were afraid to show up after the 14-3 loss. This post has gone on way too long. I'll just start ranting in a new post soon.
The Cheat
A picture of a man posing for a camera in a bar with his arm around a fan of his is not evidence of him being drunk nor cheating on his wife.
There are websites that imply this is what's going on--every time. I recently saw a picture of David Ortiz doing just what I described: Purposely posing for a pic, with two female fans, one kissing each of his cheeks. It was bad enough that that picture was included with the others, but then it got linked on a much more popular site, which is clearly connected to the first one, under the heading "players out drinking photos." And it just really made me mad.
I can see if you've got some evidence of someone cheating, or getting absolutely wasted, wanting to expose the person. It's their business, although if they do it in public, they deserve what they get. But when it's a person having innocent fun, often proven by the fact that they're looking right at the camera, it shouldn't be shown to the world under the false pretense that it's the uncovering of some dirty secret.
On this site, I've posted plenty of pictures of Red Sox players with their arm around my friend Rebecca. I could easily start another site, put up those same pictures, and make up some story about this blonde girl that all the Red Sox players are cheating on their wives with. But that's not what it is. It's a famous person posing with a fan. The norm in that situation, I've discovered, is for the famous person to put their arm around the total stranger. When my dad spotted then-coach of the Jets, Joe Walton, in Puerto Rico, and asked if he could take a pic with his ten-year old son, Walton put his arm around me like I was his grandson. But put that pic up on childmolesters dot net, or whatever, and it would look like something entirely different.
Unfortunately, people in all walks of life cheat on their spouses or boy/girlfriends. Men, women, people whose jobs take them all over, and people who stay in the same town their whole lives. If you did a site on Wall Street dudes with their mistresses in public, it might break the internet. (Although no one would log on to see some average Joe carousing in a bar.) I'm just saying that the baseball players who don't do anything wrong end up getting a bad rap.
Some people say, "Well, come on, they all do it, there's so much temptation..." I don't know about you, but I've already decided not to cheat on my girlfriend. Seriously, is something going to come up that I hadn't thought of, where I just absolutely can't control myself? Like, "Sorry, sweetie, I was there at the bus station, and she said she wanted to have sex with me, and I said no, but then she told me that her favorite number--get this--was also eight! What was I to do?"
Someone else said something to me once about how her friend lived in new York City, and there are just so many women there, he was bound to cheat. Well, I'm in New York City. There are so many yankee fans here. Am I bound to kill one, based on sheer volume? No. I don't cheat, I don't kill. It's already been decided. (Nevertheless, don't tempt me, yankee fans.)
There are websites that imply this is what's going on--every time. I recently saw a picture of David Ortiz doing just what I described: Purposely posing for a pic, with two female fans, one kissing each of his cheeks. It was bad enough that that picture was included with the others, but then it got linked on a much more popular site, which is clearly connected to the first one, under the heading "players out drinking photos." And it just really made me mad.
I can see if you've got some evidence of someone cheating, or getting absolutely wasted, wanting to expose the person. It's their business, although if they do it in public, they deserve what they get. But when it's a person having innocent fun, often proven by the fact that they're looking right at the camera, it shouldn't be shown to the world under the false pretense that it's the uncovering of some dirty secret.
On this site, I've posted plenty of pictures of Red Sox players with their arm around my friend Rebecca. I could easily start another site, put up those same pictures, and make up some story about this blonde girl that all the Red Sox players are cheating on their wives with. But that's not what it is. It's a famous person posing with a fan. The norm in that situation, I've discovered, is for the famous person to put their arm around the total stranger. When my dad spotted then-coach of the Jets, Joe Walton, in Puerto Rico, and asked if he could take a pic with his ten-year old son, Walton put his arm around me like I was his grandson. But put that pic up on childmolesters dot net, or whatever, and it would look like something entirely different.
Unfortunately, people in all walks of life cheat on their spouses or boy/girlfriends. Men, women, people whose jobs take them all over, and people who stay in the same town their whole lives. If you did a site on Wall Street dudes with their mistresses in public, it might break the internet. (Although no one would log on to see some average Joe carousing in a bar.) I'm just saying that the baseball players who don't do anything wrong end up getting a bad rap.
Some people say, "Well, come on, they all do it, there's so much temptation..." I don't know about you, but I've already decided not to cheat on my girlfriend. Seriously, is something going to come up that I hadn't thought of, where I just absolutely can't control myself? Like, "Sorry, sweetie, I was there at the bus station, and she said she wanted to have sex with me, and I said no, but then she told me that her favorite number--get this--was also eight! What was I to do?"
Someone else said something to me once about how her friend lived in new York City, and there are just so many women there, he was bound to cheat. Well, I'm in New York City. There are so many yankee fans here. Am I bound to kill one, based on sheer volume? No. I don't cheat, I don't kill. It's already been decided. (Nevertheless, don't tempt me, yankee fans.)

I can't wait to get back to friendly Fenway this weekend.
Above: Dude in Williams jersey throws beer on woman. Click to enlarge, to see the spray. (It's actually kind of cool how it looks like he's throwing it onto the "NY," aka the arachnid, on th field.)
More on all of this, and the actual game, later.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
See Ya On The Other Side, People
What a great day this has been. I've read some really great recaps of last night around Blogton.
I'm off to The Bronx in a few hours. I'll have a special message on my shirt which you'll see pics of later. Then Reb and I may go down to the team hotel. So, if you like candid shots of players, root for that. If you don't, root against it or just don't look at the photos.
Hey, y'all wanna be my minions for a sec? For anyone who doesn't plan on going to the All-Star game in Pittsburgh this year, if you want to help my cause, go to and register (free) for a chance to buy tickets to the All-Star game/HR derby thing. If you win, all you have to do is buy me the tickets I ask you to, and I'll pay you for them, throwing in a little something for the effort, if I know what you mean. Because, you're not going anyway, right? Cool. What I want to do is drive to Chicago, see the Sox vs. Sox on that July weekend, then stop in Pittsburgh on the way home and maybe catch the HR Derby on Monday. No big deal, but I figure if I can get tix to the Derby (only available through this lottery), that'll give me an excuse to make the trip. Wait, why did I want to see the HR Derby? This isn't making much sense now that I actually write it out. Well, either way, if you want to help me out, register for the thing, and let me know if you win at the end of May. At which point I may say, "Eh, I'm not doin' that anymore." But it only takes a few seconds to register. I can repay you for that with a few seconds worth of great pictures to look at right here at this site, free of charge. Or I can make you an official "Jere's Temporary Minion" ID card that you can use to access the no exclusive areas of this site.
I'm off to The Bronx in a few hours. I'll have a special message on my shirt which you'll see pics of later. Then Reb and I may go down to the team hotel. So, if you like candid shots of players, root for that. If you don't, root against it or just don't look at the photos.
Hey, y'all wanna be my minions for a sec? For anyone who doesn't plan on going to the All-Star game in Pittsburgh this year, if you want to help my cause, go to and register (free) for a chance to buy tickets to the All-Star game/HR derby thing. If you win, all you have to do is buy me the tickets I ask you to, and I'll pay you for them, throwing in a little something for the effort, if I know what you mean. Because, you're not going anyway, right? Cool. What I want to do is drive to Chicago, see the Sox vs. Sox on that July weekend, then stop in Pittsburgh on the way home and maybe catch the HR Derby on Monday. No big deal, but I figure if I can get tix to the Derby (only available through this lottery), that'll give me an excuse to make the trip. Wait, why did I want to see the HR Derby? This isn't making much sense now that I actually write it out. Well, either way, if you want to help me out, register for the thing, and let me know if you win at the end of May. At which point I may say, "Eh, I'm not doin' that anymore." But it only takes a few seconds to register. I can repay you for that with a few seconds worth of great pictures to look at right here at this site, free of charge. Or I can make you an official "Jere's Temporary Minion" ID card that you can use to access the no exclusive areas of this site.
From the Daily News:
"I'm upset at a lot of them," Steinbrenner said when reporters asked for his thoughts on The Big Unit. And then, unsolicited, he added: "The third baseman."
"I'm upset at a lot of them," Steinbrenner said when reporters asked for his thoughts on The Big Unit. And then, unsolicited, he added: "The third baseman."
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
"I don't remember the last time I pitched a good ballgame."--Randy Johnson
Wow, what a game to miss. Tonight, my sister was in town and I took her to see Pleaseeasaur. I knew I'd be missing this game well ahead of time. I did get to see the first few innings as we ate pizza at the Two Boots in Grand Central. A dude at the bar had the remote, and seemed to think that switching over to the Mets game occasionally was the way to go. But I did see us take the lead in the third.
The next update I got was when I got home. I knew the game was over, and I saw a bunch of yankee fans around at Grand Central, which told me the game was probably a blowout, since they'd left early. I flipped on the TV, and waited for Yes to come back from commercial. Then Bob Lorenz was on my screen. I tried to read the face: solemn at best. Looks good. Do you know how good it felt when he said "Red Sox 14, yankees 3"?
So then I listened to Kay make excuses, and then Paul O'Neill actually said that "a lot of things just went right" for the Red Sox tonight. 14-3, I guess they did, Paul.
And then I saw Bernie Williams throw his helmet at an umpire. And they're acting like it's no big deal! I guess we can call him Delmon Old. Terrible job, Bernie. Bob Watson, I hope you were watching.
A-Rod's defense was nice, too. And sweet to see a Manny homer with a short-haired Damon chasing after it. Great job by our Sox tonight, but, hey, me and eight other bloggers could rack up 14 against Randy.
So, what was the deal? Were Sox fans out in full force? Did Johnny get booed? (I heard Dunbar fans booed Randy--which is so much "classier" than booing a guy on the rival team.) Can somebody fill me in? I don't know if I can stay up for Dunbar Rewind.
Wednesday I'll be in the upper deck, with Jennie and another dude from work, and Reb, taking the place of Chan. So at least I have one other Sox fan with me. Should be sweet.
Wow, what a game to miss. Tonight, my sister was in town and I took her to see Pleaseeasaur. I knew I'd be missing this game well ahead of time. I did get to see the first few innings as we ate pizza at the Two Boots in Grand Central. A dude at the bar had the remote, and seemed to think that switching over to the Mets game occasionally was the way to go. But I did see us take the lead in the third.
The next update I got was when I got home. I knew the game was over, and I saw a bunch of yankee fans around at Grand Central, which told me the game was probably a blowout, since they'd left early. I flipped on the TV, and waited for Yes to come back from commercial. Then Bob Lorenz was on my screen. I tried to read the face: solemn at best. Looks good. Do you know how good it felt when he said "Red Sox 14, yankees 3"?
So then I listened to Kay make excuses, and then Paul O'Neill actually said that "a lot of things just went right" for the Red Sox tonight. 14-3, I guess they did, Paul.
And then I saw Bernie Williams throw his helmet at an umpire. And they're acting like it's no big deal! I guess we can call him Delmon Old. Terrible job, Bernie. Bob Watson, I hope you were watching.
A-Rod's defense was nice, too. And sweet to see a Manny homer with a short-haired Damon chasing after it. Great job by our Sox tonight, but, hey, me and eight other bloggers could rack up 14 against Randy.
So, what was the deal? Were Sox fans out in full force? Did Johnny get booed? (I heard Dunbar fans booed Randy--which is so much "classier" than booing a guy on the rival team.) Can somebody fill me in? I don't know if I can stay up for Dunbar Rewind.
Wednesday I'll be in the upper deck, with Jennie and another dude from work, and Reb, taking the place of Chan. So at least I have one other Sox fan with me. Should be sweet.
What's Going On?

Update: Word on the street was it was a jumper on a building down the block. I was in front of that building when they all came out with their equipment. And then they all left. They must've talked the person down.
What did we learn here today? Something we already knew: Cops are pricks. I very politely asked one what happened, to be told "police matter," followed by a shit-eating grin. A scat-munching grin, Bill Hicks would've called it. This continues the streak of me being polite to every policeperson I've ever talked to, and them being a total dick to me for no reason. All right, 99%. There was the nice Sandra Bullock-looking bike cop in Danbury, CT. Seriously, though, anybody who chooses to be the proverbial man is obviously an ego-maniac. Screw these people. Protect and serve, my ass. They never serve my need to know what the hell is going on! If you're in the one percent of good cops, tell your buddies to stop being assholes.

In Lieu Of Applause, Just Throw Money
I saw Damon on the news yesterday, at a press conference, just saying the usual bullshit: It's gonna be a good series, I've never faced Beckett, etc. But he ended by saying, with a smirk, "we'll have the fans on our side." Not so fast, Johnny. Have you forgotten that a yankee Stadium crowd when the Sox are in town is about 40% Sox fans? And you can move that up considerably when half of Dunbar Domicile's denizens have headed for the bridge. Think about it: All the Sox fans will boo him every time. Dunbar fans will try to drown it out the first few times. But even if there are enough of them left to do it late in the game, they just won't be as excited about cheering a guy who's been up three times already as we will be to boo his ass yet again.
But, hey, I'm sure in Johnny's mind it will all be cheers. I still can't believe he had the nerve to tip his hat to the Fenway crowd before hearing the crowd's reaction, as if to pre-empt booing. That was spineless and manipulative. It's like when George just "showed up" after quitting his job.
Also, funny how the Sox took the Accela Express to the city yesterday. Let's hope that the Sox "win" the "series"!...Oh, whoops, I forgot to insert a train pun.
Check out this "who to cheer and who to boo"-type guide over at Red Sox Diary. Pretty funny, and pretty much in tune with my feelings. Except: Grady Little. I'm in the minority, but I really think the guy did what he could, and almost got us to a World Series. I never loved him, but I also never blamed him for the Pedro thing. I felt like it was a "damned if ya do/don't" situation there. It's like when George had the "lemon tree"/"tippy-toe" codeword prepared for when he was trying to steal the answering machine tape. At the last second, he got all nervous and just scrapped the plan. That was me with the bullpen in '03. Even though we had finally figured out the bullpen thing by the ALCS, and they were doing well, and we knew about the Pedro "100 pitches" rule, I totally would have scrapped the plan and said, Pedro, finish these fuckers off. And that Posada "double" was quite the bloop if you recall. So I just say ignorance for Grady. He got us to Gmae 7, ALCS. Not bad for a Sox manager in the "cursed" era. Also, Carl Everett I liked, a lot. However, I will not cheer him, but only because he came out saying a bunch of crap about homosexuality not being natural or whatever. But I don't boo him. The dinosaur stuff is just silly, doesn't bother me. Lots of people are into Jesus, but I don't let that affect how I feel about them as a player.
But, hey, I'm sure in Johnny's mind it will all be cheers. I still can't believe he had the nerve to tip his hat to the Fenway crowd before hearing the crowd's reaction, as if to pre-empt booing. That was spineless and manipulative. It's like when George just "showed up" after quitting his job.
Also, funny how the Sox took the Accela Express to the city yesterday. Let's hope that the Sox "win" the "series"!...Oh, whoops, I forgot to insert a train pun.
Check out this "who to cheer and who to boo"-type guide over at Red Sox Diary. Pretty funny, and pretty much in tune with my feelings. Except: Grady Little. I'm in the minority, but I really think the guy did what he could, and almost got us to a World Series. I never loved him, but I also never blamed him for the Pedro thing. I felt like it was a "damned if ya do/don't" situation there. It's like when George had the "lemon tree"/"tippy-toe" codeword prepared for when he was trying to steal the answering machine tape. At the last second, he got all nervous and just scrapped the plan. That was me with the bullpen in '03. Even though we had finally figured out the bullpen thing by the ALCS, and they were doing well, and we knew about the Pedro "100 pitches" rule, I totally would have scrapped the plan and said, Pedro, finish these fuckers off. And that Posada "double" was quite the bloop if you recall. So I just say ignorance for Grady. He got us to Gmae 7, ALCS. Not bad for a Sox manager in the "cursed" era. Also, Carl Everett I liked, a lot. However, I will not cheer him, but only because he came out saying a bunch of crap about homosexuality not being natural or whatever. But I don't boo him. The dinosaur stuff is just silly, doesn't bother me. Lots of people are into Jesus, but I don't let that affect how I feel about them as a player.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Saturday Fenway-O-Rama

Spittin' On 714
I'm surprised no one's used that yet. As in the call of Aaron's 715th: "He's sittin' on 714..."
Anyway, feel free to steal it. My opinion on Bonds is that he should have an asterisk next to his records as soon as they put one next to: "NY yankees, 2003 AL Champions," since Giambi's steroid-fueled homers off of Pedro were the difference in game seven of that year's ALCS.
Every time a stadium boos Bonds, Sheffield and Giambi smile, knowing their steroid use is being overshadowed just a little more.
I don't understand why people only get mad when records are in danger. It's like, "Hey, that dude's stealing that car!" "Eh, it's okay. It's not my car."
And I still think if Bonds were more likable (read: if America liked black people), people would probably cheer him.
For Giambi's juice, for Bucky Dent's corked bat, for Jeffrey Meier reaching over the wall, for Reggie Jackson sticking his big butt into the path of the ball, for Chuck Knoblauch missing a tag by three feet but still getting the out call, for every time Derek Jeter steals a call by throwing his glove in the air and every time George, I mean "the umps" call a game after five because it's drizzling and the yanks have the lead, all of which have led to should-be-asterisked yankee championships...for all the fans who watched helplessly as the yanks beat their team by cheating: Move their most beloved player down a notch on that list, Mr. Bonds. A cheater like you is the perfect person to do it.
I was going to end it there. Then I just watched the channel 7 sports guy, Scott Clark, give this little solemn speech after his report on Bonds' 713th: "It's a shame about this man. He's a Hall of Fame player...who cheated." If he's going to say that, he should do the same thing every night that he shows Giambi and Sheffield highlights. Unbelievable. So, seriously, Barry, pass the Babe. And if he passes Aaron, well, they won't need an asterisk because of the way he'll be remembered anyway.
Anyway, feel free to steal it. My opinion on Bonds is that he should have an asterisk next to his records as soon as they put one next to: "NY yankees, 2003 AL Champions," since Giambi's steroid-fueled homers off of Pedro were the difference in game seven of that year's ALCS.
Every time a stadium boos Bonds, Sheffield and Giambi smile, knowing their steroid use is being overshadowed just a little more.
I don't understand why people only get mad when records are in danger. It's like, "Hey, that dude's stealing that car!" "Eh, it's okay. It's not my car."
And I still think if Bonds were more likable (read: if America liked black people), people would probably cheer him.
For Giambi's juice, for Bucky Dent's corked bat, for Jeffrey Meier reaching over the wall, for Reggie Jackson sticking his big butt into the path of the ball, for Chuck Knoblauch missing a tag by three feet but still getting the out call, for every time Derek Jeter steals a call by throwing his glove in the air and every time George, I mean "the umps" call a game after five because it's drizzling and the yanks have the lead, all of which have led to should-be-asterisked yankee championships...for all the fans who watched helplessly as the yanks beat their team by cheating: Move their most beloved player down a notch on that list, Mr. Bonds. A cheater like you is the perfect person to do it.
I was going to end it there. Then I just watched the channel 7 sports guy, Scott Clark, give this little solemn speech after his report on Bonds' 713th: "It's a shame about this man. He's a Hall of Fame player...who cheated." If he's going to say that, he should do the same thing every night that he shows Giambi and Sheffield highlights. Unbelievable. So, seriously, Barry, pass the Babe. And if he passes Aaron, well, they won't need an asterisk because of the way he'll be remembered anyway.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday Vid Or Tease Only?