Monday, July 06, 2009
Number 5
A memorable night at Fenway, despite the chimpy game. Kim and I, both of whom have always loved Nomar, got there just as the A's started BP, and went right down near their dugout. Got lots of pics. Nomar was so nervous he was swinging and missing in batting practice, before finally launching some out of the park, as people cheered him on. Then he started signing, and fans in their Nomar shirts (I wore mine, but I actually wear it a lot) and with their welcoming signs flocked to him. He was off to our right at first, then went out past third base, and finally came back right in front of us. It was fun stuff.

Janet Marie Smith walked by us randomly. I yelled her name and said "nice job."
We had to answer the "why are you guys booing Kevin Youkilis" question from the people next to us and later the people behind us. Overall, between those two groups, the shriveled dick guy who booed Nomar and his harem of witches, and the couple in front of us, we were in a "no reaction section." That's right, these people wouldn't clap for anything. It was like they were watching a movie. We got shut out on a couple of lousy hits, so the fairly uninspired crowd (other than for Nomar) was to be expected, but some people just treat it like a movie. They just sit and stare, emotionless. Until Sweet Caroline. And we were surrounded by the ten people in the park who act like this. So the night got chimpier as it went on, but we got to see our old pal Nomar, and it turned out the Yanks almost won but still lost, so an okay night all things cons'd.

My answer was, "Bernie Carbo. AND IT WAS THE EIGHTH INNING." Can you believe they'd mess that up? At Fenway Park?

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Wow! Can't believe the Red Sox messed up that trivia question about Bernie Carbo. Bad job.
Glad you were there, Jere. Watched it at home, and was really proud to be a Sox fan with the reception Nomar got when he came up to bat.
Was there ever any doubt?
Glad you were there, Jere. Watched it at home, and was really proud to be a Sox fan with the reception Nomar got when he came up to bat.
Was there ever any doubt?
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