Saturday, May 24, 2008
First Game Taken By Oaklands, 8-3
Boston's American League club embarked on its series of Western games this eve under discouraging conditions by succumbing to the Oaklands and their sharp sticks. Over 29,000 "rooters" saw the melancholy culmination of the Bostons' seven-game spotless streak. Wakefield's famed floater failed to fluster the Frisco Bay batsmen, who knocked two dongs out of the field of play in fair territory, and eight Oakland men reached the home plate before the reigns were handed to Aardsma and Timlin.
Harden's display was two steps above that of the Boston lofter, the former zipping strikes past the Beantown unit like a man in a hurry to arrive home to peruse his personal information-gathering device. The game concluded in under two hours and a half, with Oakland doing five runs better than the Hub gang. Against the Oaktowners' relief crew, the pilgrims were powerless, and fate handed them a defeat for the first time since Wednesday last, in weather hardly suitable for shirtsleeves.
Ol' Thomas drove out a home run in the opening frame on the first lob he witnessed from his veteran colleague, giving the Northern Californians a lead they wouldn't relinquish for the duration. Ellis plated himself and two others on a fence-traverser in a four-plate third inning, removing much of the remainder of Boston's fight. A dozen Red Sox were dispensed on strikes in the fair contest, ten of those swinging ineffectually on try number three. The Athletics justly deserved the victory as their hits were pieced together in a constructive manner and all their runs were earned.
Pedroia rang the dong bell for Francona's men, and lumber lessoneer Magadan was expunged from the dugout after foul-mouthing the official. Boston remains in first position and tries again in California behind fireballer Beckett to-morrow.
The league's east division scores:
NY-A 13, Seattle 2. Tampa 2, Balt. 0. T'ronto 7, Ks. City 2..

Ol' Thomas drove out a home run in the opening frame on the first lob he witnessed from his veteran colleague, giving the Northern Californians a lead they wouldn't relinquish for the duration. Ellis plated himself and two others on a fence-traverser in a four-plate third inning, removing much of the remainder of Boston's fight. A dozen Red Sox were dispensed on strikes in the fair contest, ten of those swinging ineffectually on try number three. The Athletics justly deserved the victory as their hits were pieced together in a constructive manner and all their runs were earned.
Pedroia rang the dong bell for Francona's men, and lumber lessoneer Magadan was expunged from the dugout after foul-mouthing the official. Boston remains in first position and tries again in California behind fireballer Beckett to-morrow.
The league's east division scores:
NY-A 13, Seattle 2. Tampa 2, Balt. 0. T'ronto 7, Ks. City 2..
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cong.'s To Two Humans
A new Red Sox DVD is out--it's the sequel to 2003's Still, We Believe. Friend of RSF/PT Mighty Quinn is in the film--is there any Red Sox project that doesn't include him?? More info is at his website, here. Congratulations, Quinn!
Sam graduated! You know Sam? She now mainly focuses on writing Roar of the Tigers for Evan's thing, but she does still occasionally post at Blue Cats & Red Sox, which was an inspiration for my blog and most every other Red Sox blog. When I started blogging in early 2004, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I knew the internet was a thing that you use to do stuff or whatever, but when I went to Blue Cats (formerly Felines for Anarchistic Green Democracies), I realized I had a lot to learn. She'd been blogging since, like, the 70s somehow. I feel like my current world of posting pictures and being a smart ass and tryin' to come up with funny stuff is pretty much a direct rip-off of Sam's blog circa '05. Anyway, the thing about her is, she always seemed to be in college, at the U. of Michigan--or as my OSU friend Jim calls it, scUM. Every few months my girlfriend and I would wonder out loud to each other, Has Sam grad-jee-ated yet?? Well, finally, after what seems like forever (because, in the blogging world as I know it, it has been "forever"), Sam has graduated college. Congrats, SamCat!
Sam graduated! You know Sam? She now mainly focuses on writing Roar of the Tigers for Evan's thing, but she does still occasionally post at Blue Cats & Red Sox, which was an inspiration for my blog and most every other Red Sox blog. When I started blogging in early 2004, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I knew the internet was a thing that you use to do stuff or whatever, but when I went to Blue Cats (formerly Felines for Anarchistic Green Democracies), I realized I had a lot to learn. She'd been blogging since, like, the 70s somehow. I feel like my current world of posting pictures and being a smart ass and tryin' to come up with funny stuff is pretty much a direct rip-off of Sam's blog circa '05. Anyway, the thing about her is, she always seemed to be in college, at the U. of Michigan--or as my OSU friend Jim calls it, scUM. Every few months my girlfriend and I would wonder out loud to each other, Has Sam grad-jee-ated yet?? Well, finally, after what seems like forever (because, in the blogging world as I know it, it has been "forever"), Sam has graduated college. Congrats, SamCat!
Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake
Right on cue, Joe Girardi comes out with some fake blow-up, and the team talks about the "spark" that will surely emanate from it. The umpire, along with the rest of us, was laughing while Joe "argued." It was such an obvious spark-attempt, he couldn't even make it look real. "Look at me, I'm mad, see?!" It's like with that "mad fisherman" guy. You're not "crazy" because you say "I'm crazy" a lot. Look, Yanks, if something is going to spark you, it's going to have to happen naturally. You can't force it.
That doesn't mean I don't love that they're in this state of having to do shit like that to try to get something going, knowing that Big Bank Hank is watching closely with his finger on the button.
Now about this instant replay thing. Of course there should be instant replay in baseball. I just heard Jayson Stark saying how it should be there for home run calls only; the "human element" has always been in the game, so it should stay there, he says. I agree that the human element should stay in the game--with the players, not the umps. Why shouldn't we make every attempt to make the game as fair as possible? Is that really his excuse for keeping the game unfair? That it's "always been there"? Not the best way to progress in life....
I'm not saying they should haphazardly add a bunch of stuff to the game. Make sure it's right before you implement it. But do it already, it's 2008.
That doesn't mean I don't love that they're in this state of having to do shit like that to try to get something going, knowing that Big Bank Hank is watching closely with his finger on the button.
Now about this instant replay thing. Of course there should be instant replay in baseball. I just heard Jayson Stark saying how it should be there for home run calls only; the "human element" has always been in the game, so it should stay there, he says. I agree that the human element should stay in the game--with the players, not the umps. Why shouldn't we make every attempt to make the game as fair as possible? Is that really his excuse for keeping the game unfair? That it's "always been there"? Not the best way to progress in life....
I'm not saying they should haphazardly add a bunch of stuff to the game. Make sure it's right before you implement it. But do it already, it's 2008.
KC @ World Champs, 5/22