Saturday, April 14, 2007
It only took 95 years, but the Fenway Park seating chart now shows you the section number of all the sections in the park. The grandstand and bleacher sections were always labeled--and since that's where I almost always sit, there was never really a problem for me. But it's nice to know that if I get loge seats, I won't have to estimate where they are.
The new chart's also got that thing where you can click on each section for the "in a perfect world" view from it. i.e. "view may not be as beautiful as pictured."
The Red Sox have finally caught up with society and are selling flat-brimmed hats in their shops. I think it's funny that all those kids in T-ball who didn't want to be there and had no idea how to wear a hat are now in their glory: "Haha, curvy-people, it only took 30 years, but the flat brim is in!" Sorry, clueless kids of the 80s, you didn't exactly call "bank" on that one. Besides, this trend is on the way out anyway. All it takes is one Ashton Kutcher or one of those Dunst/Durst clebrities or whatever the 2007 equivolent of them are to wear a curved bill again, and the board will go back. Remember kids, if you just be yourself, you'll be all right. If you change yourself constantly keep up with the fake trends, you'll always be one step behind. Also, you'll get hit by a car.
Pics from yesterday's Fenway game, and today's, to come at some point.
The new chart's also got that thing where you can click on each section for the "in a perfect world" view from it. i.e. "view may not be as beautiful as pictured."
The Red Sox have finally caught up with society and are selling flat-brimmed hats in their shops. I think it's funny that all those kids in T-ball who didn't want to be there and had no idea how to wear a hat are now in their glory: "Haha, curvy-people, it only took 30 years, but the flat brim is in!" Sorry, clueless kids of the 80s, you didn't exactly call "bank" on that one. Besides, this trend is on the way out anyway. All it takes is one Ashton Kutcher or one of those Dunst/Durst clebrities or whatever the 2007 equivolent of them are to wear a curved bill again, and the board will go back. Remember kids, if you just be yourself, you'll be all right. If you change yourself constantly keep up with the fake trends, you'll always be one step behind. Also, you'll get hit by a car.
Pics from yesterday's Fenway game, and today's, to come at some point.
Friday, April 13, 2007
4/12/07: Pee-peed, Rain

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Daisuke Matsuzaka's First Fenway Game (Part Two)
Click these to enlarge.
Okay, here he is, pitching to Ichiro. But now back to the pre-game....
The new area behind the left field grandstand is sweet. To the left of this is even more space, with a couple of food vendors, Wally's area, and the new Autograph Alley.
You can look out windows to Lansdowne Street.
One window was open, but I couldn't get this one to. (Empy secretly snapped this shot of me.)
Pat and Empy totally see something out the window and call attention to it.
Pat admires Thing 1 and Thing 2.
There are weird new tunnels behind the third base grandstand.
Dice comes out of the dugout for the first time.
Dice in the outfield.
Bottom left: Empy, in red. Right: the field. What a sweet seat.
The Monster and the King.
Dice again.
The Lucchino streak continued, as Empy pointed him out, walking right past us in the grandstand. Here he is on the field.
Dustin on one leg.
Some dudes.
The two classics.
Dice on the hill.
Check out Manny in this shot.
Papi at the plate as Manny looks on.
Dice at the top of his wind-up.
Dice throws.
'Rite-K confers with Dice-K.
Manny swings.
JD. Not the one from Le Tigre. She has darker facial hair.
The heat twins.
Dusin draws a walk.
Dice with flag.
Okay, people, I have to go out to Fenway now and catch pneumonia. I have some video clips which I'll try to post later...

Dice-K's First Fenway Game (Part One)
Click each pic to enlarge.
People taking pictures of people taking pictures of young Japanese girls.
No, all Japanese people don't wear headbands. But they were passing them out before the game. At this point, Pat and I decided that if I kept taking pictures of Japanese people, one was bound to say, "What's up, dude, I was born and raised in this neighborhood, my name's Steve Chen," or whatever. So I stopped. You get the picture: Japanese people were at the game.
Nothin' says summer like your first sight of "the twins," the official ushers of RSF/PT.
My first on-the-field Fenway shot of 2007. And I love it. So sunny and clear. By game time, we'd be freezing our butts off.
Some rake handles obscure my Wily Mo shot.
Coco Crisp.
Find the hidden Ichiro.
Hey, Japanese people! Get addicted to caffiene!
A little elfin magic.
Two familiar faces. And a wacky one at right.
Does she think she's the last one? That's Papelbon entering the dugout.
Okajima getting interviewed.
Pat pointed out he had Velcro cleats on. So they like the complicated two-sticks method for food-harnessing, but keep it simple when it comes to shoe-fastening, I guess.
The fun-lovin' Lugo. This dude goofs around with everybody, on both teams. Seems like a fun guy. Which makes it that much more disturbing that he struck a woman. Terrible job on that, Lugo. I hope he doesn't do that ever again.
Signs and stuff.
Sexson, Dick.
Big Papi.
We got this sweet spot for BP, but there were so many media, they overflowed into the stands and got in our way. This dude tries to figure out the lock on this door to the media area next to the dugout.
Gammons, lookin' pretty good after the, you know, thing.
Me with the flags.
More to come soon. Including actual shots of Daisuke.

More to come soon. Including actual shots of Daisuke.