Saturday, April 14, 2012
Home Opening Day Gallery

Next is the flyover video. I don't care about the military aspect of it, but loud, low planes flying by is always fun--turn your volume up.

I'm never big on action shots at Red Sox games (other than maybe a pitch or a swing), just because I don't want to miss what happens on a play. But with Ellsbury running, I figured I try one. And it happened to be the play where he gets landed on. He could be out for a while. The next few shots are from that play:

We put the game away with 8 runs in the 8th, thanks partly to this Lueke guy. Watch what happens to his ERA:

Other stuff:
At one point in batting practice, I was right down at the wall in right, and a teenage kid threw his jacket down to stop a ball rolling past. At that point, the scheming began. "Hold his feet and dangle him down!" But the security guy (the one who looks like an adult version of the kid in Billy Madison who says "hey, Billy peed his pants too!") was having none of it. He came over and asked the guy who he was with as he picked up the jacket and the ball. The kid announced who was in his party, probably scared they were all about to be ejected, and the guy goes, "okay, then I'll give it to this guy," and hands the ball to a younger kid who wasn't with them! Normally those guys say they're not allowed to touch the balls, but in this case, I guess since it was already tampered with by non-player clothing, its ownership left the visiting team and became Fenway property. Or maybe he just really wanted to make that joke.
A couple of at bat songs I noticed--Pedroia with that "wrapped up like a douche" song, and Ross with Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer.
You know how Welch's is gonna have that "world's biggest toast" at the 100th anniversary game? Well they're showing a little highlight reel on the scoreboard to go along with it called "Sparkling Moments at Fenway." However, one of the moments is at the old Yankee Stadium! It's the Yastrzemski catch from 1967. I guess they got confused by the left field scoreboard...which looks nothing like the Fenway one! And isn't on a giant green wall! Again, it's a case of: didn't one person who knows anything about baseball take a peek at the video before it went live? Apparently not.
Kelly Shoppach made possibly the worst slide ever. He was headed for second on some kind of delayed steal (or maybe it just seemed that way since he's so slow), with another runner on third. The throw was late, and the fielder caught it, forgetting about Shoppach and only worrying about the guy at third possibly bolting for the plate. But Kelly started his slide way, way before the bag. Even if he'd made a regular slide, he never would have reached second base. But his cleats caught, propelling his body forward, and he headed face-first toward the ground. But since he was still so far from the bag, he had to make a head-first dive to get to it. The fielder actually had enough time to go back and tag him, just too late. So he was safe, but it was far from pretty. The scoreboard showed a close-up of him on second, hands on knees, bent over, trying to keep a straight face. I don't know if there's video of this online, but it was hilarious so I'd like to see it again. (And see how accurate my description was, as I only saw it once, from hundreds of feet away.)
Interesting new stuff on the scoreboard for player stats/info: It comes up onto a "scoreboard" in the same way the numbers are put in place on the Monster manual board, complete with rust stains on the botto of the numbers. Check out the vid:
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Nice pics! I like the retired numbers being back in chronological order. I noticed that they had done that in JetBlue Park for spring training, but it never occurred to me that they'd be changing it at Fenway. Love the Lueke keeps on smiling sequence too.
I was in section 33, almost directly across from your seat, but it's funny that I got a lot of the same pics - Beckett holding up the wall, Papi's check-swing RBI single, and Jacoby sliding into second. Because I clicked just as his foot reached the bag and my camera freezes the picture on the screen for a second, and because a pole was placed so that I could see the 2nd base bag but not the second baseman, I completely missed seeing Brignac land on him.
I was in section 33, almost directly across from your seat, but it's funny that I got a lot of the same pics - Beckett holding up the wall, Papi's check-swing RBI single, and Jacoby sliding into second. Because I clicked just as his foot reached the bag and my camera freezes the picture on the screen for a second, and because a pole was placed so that I could see the 2nd base bag but not the second baseman, I completely missed seeing Brignac land on him.
RSD: That's cool we got the same pic from opposite angles. And I don't know if you saw my post from Thursday where I went to Fenway and saw the retired numbers outside the park--that's when I knew the Florida thing wasn't an accident.
Sec36: Wind blowing in (ish) and in April, no BP homers go to center field, so I wasn't in 36 for ball-snagging or anything else. Kinda rare I go a game without being over there at some point...
Sec36: Wind blowing in (ish) and in April, no BP homers go to center field, so I wasn't in 36 for ball-snagging or anything else. Kinda rare I go a game without being over there at some point...
Jere, I need your help with my latest mission. I'm trying to find all the plaques around Fenway that commemorate various historical things. They keep saying there are 100, but unless they're counting all the ones in the RS HOF, I'm definitely missing something. I went through my pics from the last 3 years quickly, and came up with the following: . I also have a pic of one from '09 that says "Smith Building" which is way too blurry. I also know there's a second "Copper Tanks" one near the "Automotive Elevator Doors" that I've never bothered to photograph. And I saw on TV the other day that there's a "Canvas Alley" one. Add those to the 15 in my album, and I'm still 82 short. :)
I'm assuming some are in places we can't normally go, like the Green Monster ones, so I want to be on the lookout at the Open House on Thursday. Can you think of any others from past years that I'm forgetting, or have you noticed any other new ones this year? Thanks!
I'm assuming some are in places we can't normally go, like the Green Monster ones, so I want to be on the lookout at the Open House on Thursday. Can you think of any others from past years that I'm forgetting, or have you noticed any other new ones this year? Thanks!
Okay, let's get one thing out of the way--I went to your gallery, got to picture 3, and noticed they have "Ted William" on the Copper Tanks plaque!!!!!!! Unbelievable. Okay, going back to it I see you noticed a "typo," too, I take it that's the one you meant. Moving on....okay, now I see the updated 2011 one. I should have looked at the whole gallery before writing this....
So, I think there's one for the Jeano Building maybe? And maybe another near the Third Base Deck, something about radio or something. Can't think of any more off top of head, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for new ones at the Open House too!
So, I think there's one for the Jeano Building maybe? And maybe another near the Third Base Deck, something about radio or something. Can't think of any more off top of head, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for new ones at the Open House too!
I just noticed one more in today's post-game show, over PGammo's shoulder. Looked like it was next to the big green doors of Gate D out on Yawkey Way.
And yes, terrible job on "Ted William". I don't have any pics of that sign from '10 - or later in '09 - to know if they fixed it sooner.
And yes, terrible job on "Ted William". I don't have any pics of that sign from '10 - or later in '09 - to know if they fixed it sooner.
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