Tuesday, June 21, 2005

More Cleveland Pics

Possibly the worst mullet of all time:unaltered photo

The Champs are in town:

The Bob Feller statue:

The FAKE Tim/BSM! Now that I've seen the REAL Tim in person, this guy isn't that close, but he's close enough to a pic I saw of BSM on line that I actually embarrassed myself by asking him if his name was Tim. I do have a shot of the Broseph, but none of the REAL Tim. Yes, I realize this guy wasn't wearing any Sox gear, but I thought maybe that's how Tim rolled--wearing a regular rock band T-shirt to Cleveland. (The real Tim DID have full Sox gear on, as did the Bro.)

From the right field upper deck:

Manny hugs Ortiz after his homer:

And one thing I forgot to mention about Cleveland: Bugs have attacked the city. It's horrible in certain spots. I saw Jay Payton swatting at them in right field last night.

In all seriousness, I think I would have major trouble focusing on the game if that mulletkid was sitting anywhere near me. His parents should be jailed.
Did the Bob Feller statue try to charge you for an autograph and then complain to you about how players today couldn't hold a jock to all the players in his day? He's the walking definition of bitter, cranky old guy.

I went to see the Sox at the Jake five years ago, and thought that the place was grossly overrated. Sat in the 2nd row of the upper deck on the 3rd base side, and was about a mile from home plate; the guy in back of me was carrying a harp (thank you Henny Youngman). PNC Park in Pittsburgh is by far the best of the new parks that I've been to, though I've yet to make it to SBC out in SF.
I believe that mullet qualifies as child abuse in 23 states. Unfortunately for us, not in Ohio.
Oh my god man that mullet has me in tears that is so sad.........

On a site note this is a great site you have going here got to you from love of sox

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