Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lying Liars/Contest Update

I saw the name "Shaughnessy" under the article name, but for some reason I still clicked on it. Let's just forget the rest of his stupid article (I won't even link it) and focus on this:

"The Red Sox and their entitled traveling Nationalists who've been taking over other people's ballparks for three years[...]"

The guy's been covering the team for so, so long, yet he perpetuates the myth that Red Sox fans travelling to see their team happens because the team won a World Series. What a dick. He's just trying to make us mad at this point. Do I really need to break out the video for the guy? Even going back as recently as the 2004 regular season--a year after one in which we suffered what could have been a "last straw" type of heartbreak for some fans--you had Sox fans taking over parks. I was there--that year, and the year before that, and before that.... I've said this before, but anyone who bought the recent DVD of the second-to-last game of 1967 heard Ken Coleman saying how the Sox have received support all year long--at home and on the road.

If Dan's so intent on talking about how things "used to be," he should let these "new fans" he writes about know that we were all about sticking with the team back then, before we saw them win. That's what's so great about Red Sox fans. Yankee fans (some of whom "divorced" their team because they couldn't handle only going to the playoffs TWELVE years in a row) simply wouldn't have lasted as long as all of us did.

[There's an update to the '08 schedule post below.]

Also, don't miss Cyn's experience at Game 1! Part 1. Part 2. And, I think a great blogger who doesn't get enough credit (and certainly not enough comments!) is Joanna aka Empyreal Environs. She wraps up every game with smart-itude and funny-tion, and, like Cyn and I, gets to a lot of games, and therefore posts a lot of great pics. Check those blogs out. (Cyn and Joanna, sorry you're both in a post called "Lying Liars," and that your names are so close to the CHB's. No offense intended.)

In Game 2, AJM & Laureen widen their lead, while STJ & Reb move into second via the tie-breaker.


5/AJM & Laureen / 8
4/savethejellys & Rebecca / 3
1/Peter & Ryan / 3
2/Matty & Quinn / 1
3/Kara & Pweezil / 0
6/Soxy Lady & Allen / 0
7/Novy & Dan / 0
8/Jay & Michael Leggett / 0
9 & beyond/my mom / 0

Jere, I've had that 2 DVD set since it was released, and the memories came flooding back. I hope you're enjoying these wonderful and special times....go Daisuke!
I remember going to Camden Yards with a carload of friends the first season the park opened (1992) for the last series of the year. The crowd was overwhelmingly cheering for the Sox, except for the Prince of Darkness Robert Novak who was sitting in our section. We farted in his general direction.

The CHB is a fool and a tool.

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