Saturday, October 12, 2013

First World Series Problems

Called the ticket lines today and they both had busy signals. Which is weird because I'd been calling all week to check on ALCS tix and it was never busy once. Then it hit me: World Series tickets must have just gone on sale. (I knew that was happening soon but I didn't know when since I lost the lottery. Last I heard it was "TBA.")

So I called over and over until I finally got through much later. Tried Game 6, only $250 and up tix available. Basically all I can afford is SRO. Or maybe bleachers. Tried Game 7, and they had SRO! I selected four tix. I waited. The musical in-between cue played. Again and again. For a really long time. Finally it just went dead. By the time I got through again it was only expensive tix left, and even when I chose one ticket, as a test, it told me tix weren't available in that quantity. Oh well. They'll release more.

Still, I was kinda pissed--but, I got home around 9:00 and checked ALCS availability on the schedule page, and they'd suddenly released all kinds of tix for Game 7. Including (relatively) cheap ones. And more for this weekend. So, I'll be going to one or two ALCS games. Pretty sweet.

P.S. At one point while redialing, I thought to myself, "don't do that rookie mistake of hearing the phone ring but being so used to quickly hanging up to redial that you hang up." Ten seconds later, I did that. It was only a few minutes before I got through again, though. Still, terrible job, me.

Meanwhile in the NLCS, the Cards went up 1 game to 0 with a 13-inning win. Guys named Beltran, Van Slyke, and Gordon played. I'll let you decide which of those were dads and which were sons.

Turns out there was indeed a press release about when the WS tix went on sale by phone. The stupid site has gotten so cluttered and Twitterific that I sometimes don't even scroll all the way down to the releases anymore. But it worked out since I pretty much had assumed it was gonna be "an upcoming day at 2 or 3 pm" and ended up being right there calling.

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