Friday, October 05, 2012

Goodbye, 2012 Red Sox

I finally uploaded those videos of the Red Sox leaving Fenway Park after the last home game. Here they are in playlist* form. All ten short vids will play in a row, in the order these guys came out. Note how Jeremy Kapstein greets everybody. As I said before, we did this thinking the rookies would be in drag, but I found out a few days later they did it after the next series, leaving Baltimore on the way to New York. Watching them on this night caused my mom and I to miss running the bases, but it was still fun to see everybody one last time, and, I'm going to be taking swings on the field anyway, so it worked out, although my mom got the shaft there. But she'll get to watch me hit up close in an empty Fenway Park under the lights....

*If the playlist is too annoying, just go to my YT channel and pick the ones you want to see.

Mom here.

This Kapstein thing is the equivalent of kissing the bishop's ring. Why is he treated with holy respect by every single player?

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