Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy New Year

The first Red Sox tickets have arrived!

Gray envelope, as usual.

White envelope inside gray envelope, as usual, with little window on outside containing "receipt" ticket, as usual. And glue from gray envelope sticking to white envelope, as usual. This problem has been going on for years now. You'd think a friend or relative of someone who works there would have gotten tickets through the mail by now, and pointed this out to them.

No pocket schedule included! NOT as usual! (Though I did get the big 2012 magnet schedule during the last homestand last season. It's round this year.)

As they told us, the tickets are more 1912-y than usual. I appreciate the older, bare-bones, mostly-text look, but I don't like how I kind of can't tell the games apart. I'm used to having the opponent's colorful logo on there, so you at least know immediately if you've grabbed tix for the wrong game out of your stash. I also don't like how all the tickets are the same, as opposed to seeing which player or photo you'll get, and trying to "collect them all." But these are not problems that will affect me, so that's good. Unless I bring the wrong ticket to a game since they all look exactly the same.

Speaking of tickets, the "Road Trip" starts tomorrow. They've removed that much-maligned "only allowed to go to your state's specific game" policy, so that's good. It says once you get your voucher you can get four tickets (presumably to any game except the "special" ones). Here's the info--check it to see which former or current Sock will be in your state. It's also been confirmed that 1/28 is the big ticket sale (as I totally told you months ago). The only ones being left out are Yanks and Opening Day (and Monster Seats, etc.), which will be lottery-only as usual.

Were these the Season Ticket tickets, or were these from the December sale?
Regular non-season tickets.
Poor Lavarnway - they have him in three states, unfortunately none of them being MA.

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