Friday, December 10, 2010

The BP Logo Spill

Here's one where I make fun of the use of other teams' outdated logos!

The folks at Baseball Prospectus, who I'm pretty sure like to "get stuff right," are not alone in using the old Red Sox logo a full two years after it was killed, as we know. But they're also using an old Orioles logo, which also hasn't been in use since 2008.

Over in the AL Central, they didn't update the Twins' logo, which was changed for the 2010 season (blue border around ball and "baseball club" added).

The Nationals have also dumped a logo, which BP still has up, but, in fairness, the new one has just come into use for the 2011 season.

Please note, yes, I'm taking into consideration alternate logos--the ones I've mentioned above that BP still use are defunct logos. I wouldn't care if they were using alternate or hat logos as the logo for a team.

So to sum up, BP's Logo Currency Factor (LCF) is .867. The LCF+, which accounts for logos not in play until the upcoming season, would be a .900. Let's get those numbers up to 1.000, people. This worldwide logo non-updating epidemic must be stopped!

On a side note, it looks like the Padres will also have a new logo soon, as they seem to have gone away from everything but the SD logo that's on their hat. I wonder if the "Silver Surfer" look--which was predicted by my friend Pat well before they adopted it--has had it.

And don't forget to ask me anything. Still waiting for that elusive first question.


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