Friday, February 01, 2008

Kwiz Lahoud

In Jaws, at the opening of the July 4th scene, we hear the call of a baseball game coming from a radio. The call describes a sacrifice fly. What is the first name of the pitcher who threw the pitch? (Note: This is not an easy question, as you may soon find out. But there is a way to figure it out.)

[Update, 2/6/08: Kwiz explained here.]

All I can tell for certain is that the stadium holds the water well, and the outfield is very soggy.

Ken Holtzman
Very soggy, indeed.

Not Ken.
I Googled this hard today and have come to the conclusion that I am going to need to rent the movie or just throw out a random name. I'll try to rent it but in the meantime, I'm going to guess: Tommy
"I Googled this"

This is the best part. I seem to have come up with a piece of Jaws trivia that it appears no one else has.

Also, jfAJM: you really couldn't hear even the left fielder's name? That seemed like the loudest, clearest part. I'm using the 30th anniversary edition, which one are you using?
Then again, the whole point of my quizzes is to come up with un-Google-able questions.

Also, Tommy is incorrect.
I want to say Casey or Stacy..hard to make it out....
Its a great question!! Not on Google that for sure but after this I bet some on will post it.
"but after this I bet some on will post it."

Yeah, I will, ha.

So, you've picked up on the name the announcer says for the pitcher--it is Stacy. Now you all have to figure out Stacy's first name. There is a way to figure it out.
How 'bout...Fredrick.
Fredrick Stacy, nice Irish name!
Nope. That sounds to me like one of the other players' last names, though.

Also note, you have to wait til someone else guesses between your guesses. Unless I give a clue, which I guess I did. But, just sayin', for those who don't know, you can't guess twice in a row.
I'm working off of the 25th Anniversary edition...that damn helicopter is too loud. Heard Stacy, and I think I heard the outfielder's name...problem is, neither one of those guys shows up in Can't make out the batter's name because of that damn helicopter.
I have the 25, too. I should whip that out to see what you're going through.

"neither one of those guys shows up in "

This is true.
So, that would mean that this isn't a major league game. And probably not a professional game in general.

Spielberg filmed Jaws in the summer of '74, and probably edited it that fall. That radio broadcast footage could come from anywhere, anytime prior to that.

random guess: Bob Stacy
No on Bob. I think you're either thinkin' too hard or you need the 30th anniversary edition.
Could be both. I've played that section a couple dozen times now. Can make out the pitcher and the outfielder; I think I may have id'd the batter, but I'm not sure, and for the life of me I can't hear the name of the runner tagging up at third. But if Stacy and the OF aren't on baseball-reference, then this can't be an mlb game.
I'd say "get the 30," but we're getting close the 35 anyway....
Nope. Thanks for throwin' a name out there, though.

Official clue if you haven't figured it out: The game call is not from a real game, and the players' names are not names of actual baseball players.
Don Stacy
Nope. I will say, it is a guessable name.
So smart, this one. That's correct.

Okay, be honest, did I give it away with the "guessable name" line or did you figure something out?
No way!? It was the first name that came to mind when you said "guessable name".

Empire song on TV as I write...

So, good job. I'm gonna give Kara 4, and JMP 1.5 for coming up with Stacy (and Fredrick), and AJM .5 for his detective work despite having an inferior Jaws product.

The reason why the name is John will be a separate post, which I'll write now.
"Eight-hundred, five, eight, eight, two, three hundred. Empiiirre. Today!"

That's is a really neat story how you figured this out. I wonder how many people were in on it before you figured it out? Definitely less than 20 is my guess.
I have a friend who's a huge Jaws fan. He knows stuff about movies that blows me away. makes me realize how much I DON'T know about movies I thought I was an aficionado of. I have a feeling when I start to tell him about this, he'll be like "stop right there, you must be talkin' about Stacy/Christian/Troutman--I've known '97."
I have a friend who's a huge Jaws fan. He knows stuff about movies that blows me away. makes me realize how much I DON'T know about movies I thought I was an aficionado of. I have a feeling when I start to tell him about this, he'll be like "stop right there, you must be talkin' about Stacy/Christian/Troutman--I've known '97."

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