Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Correcting People Who Get Paid To Do This Stuff

So, no reaction to this? I'm the only one who finds this incredible? Of course, I know right where to look now--I can't not see the Sox in the clouds. Click here for the original posting of this shot and the alterations I made to it, if you missed it.

Silva, the dirtpooch himself, on Extra Bases today:

"and finishing at home vs. the A's and Twins -- 3 games apiece"

Wrong! It's two with Oakland, then four with the Twins.

Gordon Edes, also on EB, says:

"The phenom, Clay Buchholz, gets to mahttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifke his first start since the no-no (as y'all know by now)."

He makes it sound like Clay starts tonight, when it's Sid Lester tonight, Double-H Buchholz tomorrow night.

At least they've got Amalie over there, too, so we will occasionally get some actual facts from them.

I've already posted about this above.

Not giving up on division, though.
"Not giving up on division, though."

Why not? Tito already has.

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