Thursday, August 02, 2007


I've been thinking about this bridge collapse in Minneapolis. It's the old "Chief Brody & the Mayor" syndrome. People knew the bridge wasn't in good shape, but they didn't do anything about it. Why? Because of money. It's people admitting that they care more about money than about other people.

If you look on craigslist right now, you can see this in action, as people try to sell tickets to today's Sox game at prices that sound like some kind of sick joke. "It's 10:45, gates open at 11, get to the game for ONLY 75 dollars. Standing room!"

Look at this post title over there:

Great RED SOX seats for TONIGHT! Roof Deck! Home Plate CLub!

This just pisses me off. Can you see something that gives away the fact that this person is not just some innocent dude with a few seats he's trying to get rid of? No, besides the exclamation points. Right--the fact that it's a DAY GAME today. They don't know this, because they're a faceless ticket agency, who probably puts this same ad up every day. You call them, and you get your 12-dollar bleacher seats for 75 bucks, plus a 20 dollar service charge.

All these evil ticket agencies have turned the regular people into ruthless businessmen. You don't have a friend you can sell the tickets to for face value? You're not even content to get just a little more than what you paid? It's horrible. A longer post on this is on the way.

In what could be called a "related story," my mom just alerted me to this article about Johnny Damon. "Sorry, Johnny, I meant to tell you you were out of the lineup for tonight, but I couldn't find you. You understand."

how is that story related? b/c JD is sitting around that crappy dugout because he fell for the inflated salary they offered and all that "26 ring" majesty they promised? Even in the midst of all the runs they've been scoring lately, there is some serious testiness in the skanky clubhouse these days. Consider the trash-talk about torre, and then of course there's this little gem from the post today: "On his way out the door, Proctor noted something not heard around The Bronx for quite a while, one of the benefits of leaving and going to the Dodgers was joining a first-place team. "
Yeah, Jere, how is that story related?
(Hi Rebecca.)
That's awesome about Proctor!

Mom, see her next line. If you weren't being sarcastic.
Hi Mary Ann! I was stumped at first, too, but knowing Jere really helped in taking a good stab at the connection.

When I find a good article like that, (since I haven't really been writing on my own blog) I figure maybe you want to see it over here. let me know if I get annoying.
Keep the articles comin'. You've spotted some great ones.

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