Saturday, May 19, 2007


Drove from Bos to CT tonight. Couldn't get the Met-Yank game on radio, so we called my dad for updates. He gave us the good news. Now, my mom was at some writer's thing that had to do with sports, over in Rhode Island. And my dad informs me that she has called him with the news that she has just been talking to one Jeremy Kapstein at this event. We arrive at my parents' house, and my mom has beat us there, and they're both already asleep. But I look on the counter to see:

Gold! Kapstein autograph! And 10 games up! What a day! I'm sure there's a lot more to this story. I'll post it as soon as my mom types it out for us.

Just WHO is Kapstein?
I'm now picturing the Kap'n sitting in the first row at this event, not clapping when anyone gets up to speak, then only clapping a little while standing, but not really wanting to, when they announce that the buffet at said event is now open for business. But then he realizes the prime rib won't be carved on the buffet for about 30 minutes, but he keeps standing anyway because he already got up, and dammit, there's prime rib at the end of this rainbow. Sort of like innings 8-14 of game 5 of the 2004 ALCS. Sweet autograph, though...
I guess Michael Leggett doesn't have The Google.

I wish I could have seen the ESB. I would have liked that.

Also, I meant to say, I like the dark outline around the blog title.
Medium rare, please, with a side of Daisuke perfection.......
He should have signed it:

"To Jere, from the guy who kept you from watching Fred Lynn and Rick Burleson spend the 80's in a Red Sox uniform, and who thus probably played a role in the Sox losing the '86 World Series, Jerry Kapstein"
But which Kapstein signed it? You should get one from each.
I'm with AJM- is there another person who so soundly defeated the Red Sox front office at any point in their history more than Kapstein, but who is still welcomed and adored by dorky fans like us the world over? But, ya know what? I still find it remarkable when I see a game in which he's not in the Kap'n's seat...
Nice score, getting that autograph
Thanks, John. Kapstein's been on our side for a while now.

Michael--Y'know, the guy I used to think was "Drinkwater." No need to Google, just search his name on this blog alone.

So, basically, the story is, a good friend of my family knows Kap from way back. My mom was at this event, and some one said, "Sox must be rained out--Kapstein's here." So she talked to him, brought up their mutual acquaintance, and she said he was incredibly nice, and had fun talking to him.... she signed a copy of her book for him, and he gave her the autograph for me.

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