Friday, January 27, 2006
One Step Closer

In case you can't read it, along the border of the ticket are the words "American League East Division" at the top, and "Established 1901" at the bottom. Along the sides are listed the years of the A.L. pennants and our six four-and-one-third- times-as-special-as-theirs championships. (Which are referred to as "Baseball Champions of the World.")
Tonight I'm going to see one of my favorite comedians for the fifth (-ish) time at Caroline's. (Remember Caroline's Comedy Hour? That place.) His name is Brian Regan. I recommend him.
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There's nuttin better than opening up an envelope, knowing there are tickets hiding within. Make sure you check on their whereabouts every other day, much as I do when tickets to a game or a concert are secreted away in my dresser drawer.
Peter, you're right. But, come on now, you just gave away the secret spot of every single person who's bought advance tickets to any event ever.
Those are beautiful.
Weird you posted those, I was just thinking this AM what this year's tix would look like.
Weird you posted those, I was just thinking this AM what this year's tix would look like.
Damn...I haven't gotten my tickets in the mail yet. Where are they???
Brian Regan is hilarious. Saw him live a few years ago and hurt myself laughing. Only one guy was funnier to see live: Dane Cook.
Brian Regan is hilarious. Saw him live a few years ago and hurt myself laughing. Only one guy was funnier to see live: Dane Cook.
"hurt myself laughing"
Literally. Regan does this to us every time. I was light headed I was laughing so hard. If I didn't have an icy soda in front of me I might have passed out. My friend Brian, who I've seen Regan with several times, also complained of actual health problems due to laughter. We just start laughing as soon as he starts making those faces on stage, too.
We were actually comparing Cook to Regan. There's some similarities in the way he talks sometimes.
Literally. Regan does this to us every time. I was light headed I was laughing so hard. If I didn't have an icy soda in front of me I might have passed out. My friend Brian, who I've seen Regan with several times, also complained of actual health problems due to laughter. We just start laughing as soon as he starts making those faces on stage, too.
We were actually comparing Cook to Regan. There's some similarities in the way he talks sometimes.
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