Thursday, January 12, 2006
More Mom Stuff
My mom will be on The Leonard Lopate Show tomorrow, Friday, at noon. You can click that link and listen to it over the web or get it as a podcast or whatever. She'll be plugging her new memoir, Girls of Tender Age.
I think my mom's book will be helped by the fact that there's another popular memoir out now that also has "tender" in its title. Also, with the discovery that that other memoir-writin' dude made a bunch of it up, remember, for a memoir with "tender" in it that's fib-free, check out Mary-Ann Tirone Smith's Girls of Tender Age.
Out now are the Hartford Courant review and the San Francisco Chronicle review.
This Sunday she'll be in the Connecticut section of the New York Times, who will also review the book the following Sunday.
Here are some pics I took earlier tonight (click to enlarge):
Moon over the Triborough Bridge.
Gracie Mansion.
At right, the FDR Drive north. Above that, the esplanade of Carl Schurz Park. At far left, the tallest (only?) skyscraper in Queens, across the East River. In the way back, middle, that string of lights is the 59th Street, or Queensboro, or "Feelin' Groovy," Bridge.
This is what happens when you "enhance" the moon in iPhoto.
Kevin Millar is an Oriole. I have tickets to that May series against them. I can't wait to give that dude a standing O.
I think my mom's book will be helped by the fact that there's another popular memoir out now that also has "tender" in its title. Also, with the discovery that that other memoir-writin' dude made a bunch of it up, remember, for a memoir with "tender" in it that's fib-free, check out Mary-Ann Tirone Smith's Girls of Tender Age.
Out now are the Hartford Courant review and the San Francisco Chronicle review.
This Sunday she'll be in the Connecticut section of the New York Times, who will also review the book the following Sunday.
Here are some pics I took earlier tonight (click to enlarge):

Kevin Millar is an Oriole. I have tickets to that May series against them. I can't wait to give that dude a standing O.
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My heart breaks a little over Millar...but it's good to know I can just hop a train down to Baltimore and see him (plus he's at Fenway, what, 80 times this year). I'd like to smack every person who ever dissed him after everything he did for the team.
Oh well..time to let the anger go and be happy for Kevlar!
Oh well..time to let the anger go and be happy for Kevlar!
Ahh, Carl Schurz Park. Spent many a day there, as I used to live across the street from it. Amazing pictures, Jere.
Drop She-SM's name over at the dog run there and you'll make about ten new instant friends.
Drop She-SM's name over at the dog run there and you'll make about ten new instant friends.
Jere, when is your Mom scheduled to be in W. Hartford? I wrote it down and for the life of me cannot find it. If you leave that date as a comment in my blog, I'd never lose it. But you can leave it here too. Thanks. I think it was the 20 something of this month.
Pete--I believe that was last night. She was keeping her eye out for you. Oh well. She was saying it was a sold-out type event, so you may not have gotten in anyway.
BSM--Last summer, while you were still there, I went over there so many times and just walked around (while I was supposed to be looking for a job). I was probably walking right past your building every time. That dog run--nice, I like when I can watch dogs that are in an enclosed area (where they can't get me).
Actually, I walk by this other place, maybe you remember it: On 80th (ish) and 1st, it's like a doggie daycare with huge windows in the front. Every day I go by and there's literally 50 dogs running amuk in there, like at the end of The Sweater Song video, and without fail there's at least one person just standing outside, watching the dogs. It's pretty cool, even for a cat person like me.
BSM--Last summer, while you were still there, I went over there so many times and just walked around (while I was supposed to be looking for a job). I was probably walking right past your building every time. That dog run--nice, I like when I can watch dogs that are in an enclosed area (where they can't get me).
Actually, I walk by this other place, maybe you remember it: On 80th (ish) and 1st, it's like a doggie daycare with huge windows in the front. Every day I go by and there's literally 50 dogs running amuk in there, like at the end of The Sweater Song video, and without fail there's at least one person just standing outside, watching the dogs. It's pretty cool, even for a cat person like me.
Also, Peter, about your earlier comment asking if I enjoyed the Pats game---No, because I didn't watch it, and I'm not a Pats fan, and don't really care about pro football any more. But thanks for asking.
Oh, I feel badly about not being there after I said I would. How many chances does someone get to meet the mom of you? Don't answer that. So Jere's Mom, if you are reading this, I am sorry, but your son is right. I would have just driven the 2 miles to West Hartford center and bounded into the lobby of the library. So I would have been out of luck. At least I could have gotten a new library card! Well, the book is sitting among my 4 other yet to be read books, and I cannot wait to read it. Thanks. At my reading rate, that's about 2 1/2 weeks.
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