Monday, November 07, 2005

Out With The Same, In With The Different

From the Boston Globe:

"Empyreal Environs and 12-Eight have made/are making some nice changes to their sites. Empy's site is now dedicated to the old Kansas City Athletics, while Andrew's has become your internet home for Sega Genesis cheats and tips," says an unnamed source close to both blogs.

In other news, which I hope is true, Pat gave me this link to an article which says Drinkwater could be the new GM of the Sox! (By Drinkwater, I mean Kapstein, of course.) How crazy would that be, after all this attention being paid to him for simply seniorially advising the team and sitting behind the plate every night?

The way I look at it, you have to be all in. You have to believe in every aspect of the blog and the hosting service and your ability to stay and do the blog the right way, with your whole heart and your whole soul.

In the end, it wasn't the right fit. So now I'm going to write about crocheting cute bugs and posting recipes perfect for bridge parties.

Your comment box is telling me to type in "njmkv." This is America. I demand to take my Turing test in English.

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