Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Win It For Gilligan

Woohoo! I am on cloud effin' nine right now. Thank you, Papi.
This turned out to be quite an important night.
The Sox and yanks games were parallelling each other all night. Both teams had a lead, but allowed the opponent to tie it up late.
When the Angels had the go-ahead run on third with one out in the ninth against the Sox, the yanks were tied, but with home field advantage, still seemed to have the edge on their toughest opponent, the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
But Wake got out of it, and David won it, guaranteeing we'd be at least three up at the end of the day.
The yanks were ready to keep pace, as they had Bernie up with two on and one out in the bottom of the eighth. The yankee Stadium crowd felt a little of that last-century arrogance, but they should have known better. Bernie lined into an inning-ending double play. They still looked good, though, as Mariano came in for the ninth in a tie game, to the strains of the land of Chokia's National Anthem, Enter Sandman. But thanks to Robinson Cano pulling a TPS (Timo Perez syndrome)*, the D-Rays scored the go-ahead run, and held off the yanks in the bottom of the ninth. 4-3 Tampa. D-Rays win season series. With five games left in it. I'm wondering if George actually keels over tonight.
It could easily be a two-game lead right now.
But it's four! And the Tribe won, closing to within one of the yanks.
To have that piece of tall shit Randy lose after he was so pumped to actually pitch well in his last start is so key. They need the Randy games, because they can't be trustin' Chasmall and Con. I mean, Chacon and Small. Especially when they're facing a quality team, like they will be weekend.
Manny predicted Ortiz' game-winning homer. Because with Edgar up, he was in the dugout, on the bench. He did have a bat in his hand, but to me, it just seemed like what he was doing was saying, "This game will be over before I even get up." Which usually means an Ortiz homer flying through the night air.
Speaking of Manny and predictions, earlier in the game, with the count 1-2 on Manny, mom yelled out, "Ooh, let's walk, Manny." I said, "Mom, it's 1-2." Three pitches later, my mom was right. Good call, Mom.
Tomorrow I go to Fenway, which is why I'm at my parents' house, which is way closer to Boston than New York is. Also, they get the games on TV. It was really key to watch tonight's game on an actual TV.
The Sox should have worn the red jerseys tonight, but only in honor of Bob Denver, TV's Gilligan, who died today. RIP Bob.
*TPS (for the last time): n. 1. When some dude plays really well in his first year, giving a manager false hope, and costing his team big time with late- or post- season rookie blunders. See 2000 World Series.
In tonight's example, Cano, who has fooled the yanks into thinking they have a second baseman with some minor examples of good hitting which were put to rest when teams started getting scouting reports on him, misplayed a grounder in the ninth, allowing the Rays to score the winning run. Shoulda brought in Bellhorn! Hahahaha.
[An AP Photo was used in this post very legally.]
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I'm pretty sure it was Jeter who hit into the doubleplay, which is all the worse for New York. Nobody expects much from Bernie these days, but Jeter's another story.
No, it was Bernie in the eighth. And with two on, one out, tied up, it seemed like a no-lose situation for the yanks.
Jeter hit into one in the ninth to end the game, which I forgot to mention.
Jeter hit into one in the ninth to end the game, which I forgot to mention.
Ah yes, sorry about that. Sloppy reading on my part. But it's also hard to keep track of all the inning-ending doubleplays with the Yanks, you see.
Yea, don't you love it how many times you've heard Yankee announcers use the "Randy Johnson- who has been unhittable lately" line? Just tremendous, because 9 times out of ten this season when they start getting bold enough to proclaim that, he coughs up a lead or something. I love it.
Also nice to note that they've all but dropped that stupid "Cano for Rookie of the Year" business. His OBP is under .300. Ouch.
Also nice to note that they've all but dropped that stupid "Cano for Rookie of the Year" business. His OBP is under .300. Ouch.
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