Monday, August 22, 2005

The yanks Are Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

Here's a look at the last forty games of the season. Next to each series, I estimate how many wins we'll get, in kind of a worst-ish case secenario.

@ KC: 2 of 3
vs DET: 2 of 3
vs TB: 3 of 4
vs BAL: 2 of 3
vs LAA: 1 of 3
@ NYY: 1 of 3
@ TOR: 1 of 3
4 vs OAK: 2 of 4
@ TB: 2 of 3
@ BAL: 1 of 3
vs TOR: 2 of 4
vs NYY: 2 of 3
vs CWS: 1 of 1 (assuming game is played)

Even if we only do that, that's 22-18, giving us a final record of 93-69. For the yanks to tie us, if this happens, they'd have to go 26-14 over their last 40. That's .650 baseball. They are currently playing .549.

My point is, we should get 'er done.

Obviously, we can get some sweeps out of the crappier teams, and could just as easily get 2 out of three in any of the series' where I have us winning 1 of 3 above. Add one more win against KC, Det, and TB, and that puts us at 25-15, finishing at 96-66. In that case, the yanks would have to go 29-11.

All things to think about.

And hey, when the yanks are bragging about their attendance at the end of the year, just remember that they're selling select $40 tickets for FIVE DOLLARS. Only yankee fans would need an 87% discount to see their team in a pennant race. Or maybe George just knows there is no race.

Tonight I'm going to see Jaws in Bryant Park. One of my favorite things to do is to see a movie outside. And Jaws is one of my favorite movies. So tonight will be quite gold.

I only got to see two Bryant Park movies this summer: The Way We Were and Suspicion.

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