Behold, the Muddy Chicken t-shirt. More on that below.

Stuck between the dugouts as usual, but neither team took BP. (I can think of one team that really shouldn't be skipping that.) So I didn't miss out on any balls, but did have to settle for faraway shots of our pitchers out in right field. Here's Aceves, with fans in the Bleacher Bar looking on.

Here's Andrew Miller playing catch with himself.

Papelbon makin' faces.

Kapstein taking this couple's picture with the Green Monster in the...nothing.

It was Maine Day. And unlike the Maine in my mind, it was hot.

Pap signing for/meeting with kids.

Why you'd wear a winter hat on a hundred-degree day is beyond me, but I'm sure Pap appreciated the style.

Citgo sign with flag right in middle, creating top-of-triangle ball.

I was just relaxin' in the shade of the grandstand on a Sunday morning (at MY church), and this guy wayyyy to my right was trying to photograph something. Me? Probably not. But I was photographing him, because it made for a good shot. Hopefully I see this guy's shots one day and recognize them.

Josh Reddick came out between BP and game to take pics with these people.

Hey, what's that on his shirt? It's got Pedroia's official DP logo on the sleeve....

It's a Muddy Chicken Baseball shirt! I actually saw an MC shirt on a fan, too, but it was just text. Reddick's got the full-on artwork.

Now over on the Mariners' side, here's Blake Beavan, who pitched great against us Saturday night.

Tried to get the best shot I could of fans in his glasses. But I kind of like the first shot with the grandstand poles in the reflection.

I guess this is Jamey Wright, since the other side of that glove said "Jim Wright."

It was really hot, but unlike Friday, when I chose to watch from the sweatbox of the third-base deck, this time I went to wear wind was coming through. It was great. Constant air on my back and neck. Something that would be unbearable in April was the cure for unbearable in July.

After being in that bathroom that has windows over the urinals that look out onto Yawkey Way, I decided to go out there and photograph them. See the two thin windows with yellow light inside, to the left of the Wally's sign? Men's room. Peeing men are watching you when you're on Yawkey Way in this area.

I've kind of been ignoring this area lately so I was getting some left field line shots. I should sit over here late in a game sometime.

Tim Wakefield warming up, looking for Red Sox win #185.

Scutaro and Big Papi.

Their starter would give up 5 in the first after being staked to a 2-0 lead.

These fans were speaking French and wearing Montreal jerseys. Now here are some people I can relate to, for the following reason: In one sport, they're hated when in Boston, in another (since they had on Red Sox clothes underneath these jerseys, which many had put on just for the photo), they're loved. Some of us didn't grow up in a city but between cities, and therefore don't automatically have all our teams in the same city.

Some mascots from Maine.

Reddick in right.

Wake facing Ichiro in the first.

Timmy gets his 2,000th Red Sox strikeout and gets a curtain call for it. I think he's gonna be doing that a lot in the next few weeks, deservedly.

Finally toward the end of the game, I went down close. Despite the kinda-blowout (11-3 but then it went to 11-7 before ending 12-8), people stayed till the end for this afternoon game. Here's team MVP Alfredo Aceves on the mound.

Ichiro on deck making the "we're about to lose our 15th in a row, a franchise record" face. Gotta feel bad for the M's.

Dustin Pedroia and Marco Scutaro.

The Rock Brigade came out in full force on this day, not giving a shit about being down 2-0.

You know that commenter SoSock? He used to coach against this Dustin Ackley guy when Ackley was a kid. So, these are for you, SoSock.

Meaning this one and the above one.

Yamaico, or as Dale Arnold calls him, Yamacko, Navarro.

Went back to my car which I parked for free right near Fenway (for the millionth time, if you pay for a lot on a Sunday, you're...okay with throwing your money away), then headed over the river to meet Kim for dinner, as she was doing the SOWA market which always ends around the same time as Sunday Red Sox home games. It's the perfect scenario for us. Anyway, I took this shot of Boston as I was stopped on the BU Bridge. (Sorry about how the bridge blocks the river. It's like a beautiful photo paved over. But you don't always get what you want in life. Or something.)
# posted by Jere : 7/25/2011 12:54:00 PM

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