This past weekend I went to NYC. Stayed with Chan, and saw another Pist reunion show. I'm pretty spoiled, now having seen that band at least four times, all since they "broke up" almost 15 years ago. If you're new, Brian, drummer of The Pist, was the singer of the band I played bass in, The Pac-Men, and we were around from approx. '99-'03. And The Pist went from
'93-'96.So what you see here are pics I took at that show, at Brooklyn's Europa club, 6/5/2010.

But wait, you want
more Pist, you say? Fine. A few weeks earlier, I saw them right here in Providence at Club Hell. Here are some less black & white pics I got at that show:

So yeah. They're gonna do more shows in California and Chicago and stuff. They basically keep flying out to different places on weekends for the current reunion tour. Impressive, as they're keeping their "normal" jobs. I heard they played to a crowd of a thousand in Austin recently. So go see The Pist while you still can.
# posted by Jere : 6/08/2010 10:37:00 AM

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