Saturday, January 15, 2005

Chan Puts The Chan In Chant

I've written before about the possible confusion regarding the chant of "2000" at yankee fans. Some people might want to chant "2004," because it's the year that takes the place of "1918." But that chant is all about reminding the rival team of how long it's been since they won, so "2000" would be the way to go. Although 2004 is now a great year in Red Sox history, and the all-time worst year for yankee fans, so maybe "2004" would be better. Well, I've always subscribed to the former idea, so I'm voting for "2000." And Theo had mentioned how he couldn't wait to hear the "2000" chant, so I think it may win out. But hey, I'll do both if I have to.

I ran into my friend Chris, who is the best kind of yankee fan: A smart, cool person regardless, and has been a baseball fan for decades, truly following his team and the game. It was the first time I'd seen him since "the collapse" and subsequent World Series sweep. We were talking about how things will be different now, and he said, "We won't hear '1918' anymore, we'll hear '2004'."

So if he thinks '2004' will be the chant, then I know most yankee fans just aren't going to understand what's going on when they hear '2000'.

I also hope that people chant whatever they chant in a new way. I'm sick of the four-syllable, five clap chant. I'm sick of 'em all, actually. Basically, you've only got a few types of chants: The two-syllable, mocking chant. ("Dar-yl, Dar-yl," also used with "ster-oids," "Ro-ger," "Bal-co," etc.) The two-syllable pro-home team chant. ("Reg-gie, Reg-gie," also used with "John-ny," "Man-ny,"etc.) The three-syllable, straight to the point chant. ("yank-ees suck," also used with "Bos-ton sucks," "Let's Go Mets," "Let them play," etc.) And the four-syllable, five-clap chant. ("Let's Go Red Sox, clap, clap, clap clap clap," also used with "Nine-teen eigh-teen," "Who's your dad-dy," "No-mar's Bet-ter," "It's not foot-ball," etc.) There's also the old school "Here we go Red Sox, here we go, clap, clap." But today's society doesn't have time for all that.

"2000" doesn't really lend itself to a chant. But if you say it as you normally would (Two THOU-sand), but just louder, and repeatedly, with a slight pause in between, I think that could work. It would sound like zombies, or a ghost army slowly approaching. Don't yell it, just say it, almost in a loud whisper. "TwoTHOUsand...TwoTHOUsand... TwoTHOUsand." Eh, not gonna happen. But at least I'm thinkin' over here.


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